'Study Center-10'

Computer, Languages, Tutoring

Online Private Lessons
Excellent Teachers

English | Spanish | Hebrew | French | Arabic
Java | C | Cpp | C# | Python | Html | JS | Sql
Math | Calculus | Algebra | Electro | Physics

C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Matlab, Assembly, Html...
Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English, Spanish, French...
Math, Computer science, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry...
Mathematics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Discreet math...

‘Study Center-10’ – Expert, Qualified Online Tutors

‘Study Center-10’ is an Online private lessons center offering lessons in:

1. Languages:  Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English, French, Spanish, German…

2. Computer studies & uses, Computer science and programming, Internet .

3. Tutoring students in Math, Computer science, Electronics, Physics, Chemistry…

‘Study Center-10’ we are an excellent, experienced private teachers team.
We offer preparation for exams and assistance during studies.
We provide a suitable, experienced teacher.
Lessons are given Online at a convenient, flexible timetable.
We offer a suitable package of private lessons.

Our Offer

We offer a private Online course. Price per lesson (45 min): 35-50€

Wishing you all the success,

Manager Mr. Eitan Avidor

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